Grammar: Prepositions of time and place; frequency adverbs; state verbs; countable and uncountable nouns; present simple and continuous, past simple and continuous, present perfect, past perfect, future, verbs followed by gerund or infinitive, comparative and superlative ( including equality and inequality ), modal verbs, too and enough, prepostions ( time, places, verbs and adjectives + prepositions ), conditionals ( zero, first and second ), defining and non- defining relative clauses, passive ( including causative form ) and reported speech.
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs, collocations, leisure time / hobby, personality, language and communication, technology, sport, entertainment, the natural world, travel, feelings and holiday.
Speaking: Development of general oral expression in English as well as preparation for speaking tasks required by the PET for Schools exam ( interview questions, express oneself in a monologue and maintain a conversation ).
Writing: Plan and execute various different types of writing ( e-mail, article and story ).
Listening: General listening comprehension in a classroom setting as well as in preparation for listening tasks at the PET for Schools level.