Inglés Menores

  • Impartido por: AFALVI
  • Nivel: PET I
  • Ubicación: San Pablo
Disponibilidad (Seleccionar horario)
A.- Lunes, miércoles y jueves de 16 a 17 h. 10/1230
B.- Lunes, martes y jueves de 17 a 18 h. 10/1230
C.- Lunes y miércoles de 18 a 19.30 h. 13/1332
D.-Martes y jueves de 18 a 19.30 h. 13/1330
E. Martes y jueves de 16 a 17.30 14/1416

Visita virtual de aulas: 30 32 16

Duración del curso: 01 octubre 2024 - 20 junio 2025


Unlock your potential with the PET Certification

Te tratamos con cercanía, lo cual nos permite conocer tus debilidades y fortalezas. - Trabajamos para obtener los mejores resultados. - Ponemos en práctica todas las habilidades y destrezas con las últimas tecnologías. - Relacionamos continuamente la explicación teórica con la práctica.



PET for Schools is an English language exam tailored for students aged 11 to 14.

Students should have a basic understanding of English at the lower- intermediate level approximately corresponding to a B1 level on the Common European Framework of Referance for Languages ( CEFR ) or having passed KET exam.


PET for Schools assesses the ability of students to use English in everyday situations, focusing on practical communication skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. PET for Schools is recognized by educational institutions and employers as evidence of English proficiency at a B1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( CEFR ). The exam is tailored to the interests and experience of school- age learners and features age- appropriate topics and tasks to engage students in demonstrating their English- language abilities.


Grammar: Prepositions of time and place; frequency adverbs; state verbs; countable and uncountable nouns;  present simple and continuous, past simple and continuous, present perfect, past perfect, future, verbs followed by gerund or infinitive, comparative and superlative ( including equality and inequality ),  modal verbs,  too and enough, prepostions ( time, places, verbs and adjectives + prepositions ), conditionals ( zero, first and second ), defining and non- defining relative clauses, passive ( including causative form ) and reported speech.

Vocabulary:  Phrasal verbs, collocations, leisure time / hobby, personality, language and communication,  technology, sport, entertainment, the natural world, travel, feelings and holiday.

Speaking: Development of general oral expression in English as well as preparation for speaking tasks required by the PET for Schools exam ( interview questions, express oneself in a monologue and maintain a conversation ).

Writing: Plan and execute various different types of writing ( e-mail, article and story ).

Listening: General listening comprehension in a classroom setting as well as in preparation for listening tasks at the PET for Schools level.