
  • Impartido por: UNIPEC
  • Nivel: C1 ADVANCED (CAE)
  • Ubicación: San Pablo
Disponibilidad (Seleccionar horario)
A- Martes y jueves de 12 a 13.30 h. 0/15
B- Lunes y miércoles de 19 a 20:30 h. 0/15
C- Viernes de 18 a 21 h. 0/15

Duración del curso: 02 octubre 2023 - 21 junio 2024


Language opens a Door; Two Languages open All Doors

Our Cambridge Advanced English class provides a gateway to the limitless opportunities that lie ahead for our students. The ethos is inclusive and based on working together to overcome the challenges posed in the course through the Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading sections.


Requisitos: Demostrar haber superado el nivel B2


  • Acomodar al alumno al currículo exigido para obtener un nivel C1 (Certificate in Advanced English) y prepararle para realizar el examen con vistas a obtener un nivel C1 en el Marco Oficial Europeo
  • Alcanzar un nivel C1 y preparar al alumno para, en el siguiente curso, acceder a C2


  • Grammar: All verb tenses, modal verbs, hypothetical situations and conditionals, punctuation, gerunds and infinitives, reference, ellipsis, relative clauses, passives, reported speech, determiners and pronouns, inversion, conjunctions, comparisons, noun phrases, etc.
  • Vocabulary: Collocations, idiomatic exressions, phrasal verbs, prepositions, frequency, synonyms, etc.
  • Functional language for a wide range of situations including: Challenges and achievements, information, health and sport, travel, technology, work, education, environment, money, etc.
  • Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking: Practice in the different task-types which make up the CAE exam.